Winjet WJ30 0397 09 OEM Series for [2011 2015 Ford F Series Super Duty] Driving Fog Lights + Switch + Wiring Kit :B01A152C9K:B ICストア
Winjet WJ30 0397 09 OEM Series for [2011 2015 Ford F Series Super Duty] Driving Fog Lights + Switch + Wiring Kit :B01A152C9K:B ICストア
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oem direct fitment - for [2011-2015 ford f-series super duty]
dot/sae compliance - made by oem approved manufacturer that meets or exceeds oe standard.
enhance visibility - increase safety during night time, heavy rain, snow, or dense fog.
package included - one pair of fog lights (driver and passenger side) with halogen bulbs, on/off switch, and wiring kit.
durable construction - made to prevent moisture and dust from getting inside the housing.
covered - protected by one year limited by win jet.
Fit type: Vehicle Specific
カテゴリー: 車両用ライト部品
メーカー: Winjet
ブランド: Winjet
高さ: 35.6 センチ
幅: 35.6 センチ
奥行: 22.9 センチ
重量: 2.4 Kg