Focal Shape 65 Studio Monitor (Single) :B06Y2B4Q45:B ICストア
Focal Shape 65 Studio Monitor (Single) :B06Y2B4Q45:B ICストア
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Low tweeter directivity for a flexible listening position
Designed without a port allowing it to be placed near a wall
Numerous settings for optimal integration natural & upper mid-range registers
Fastening mechanisms present on the back and underneath the loudspeaker: for installing on the ceiling or a wall fastening accessories not supplied
Output wattage: 220.0 watts
Power source type: corded electric
カテゴリー: スピーカー
ブランド: FOCAL
高さ: 49.0 センチ
幅: 34.8 センチ
奥行: 29.7 センチ
重量: 10.3 Kg