Flow Rate:#(1.5 GPM (5.7 Lmin) ),Cold and Hot Switch:Yes,Valve Type:Ceramic Valve,To provide you with the best shopping opportunities, good quality and best priceFeatured with durable ceramic valves ensuring there are no water leaks. ※スペックなどご不明な点はお気軽にお問合せください。 ■お届けについて こちらは海外から取り寄せ商品です。 御注文後1〜3週間程度で発送させていただきます。
Flow Rate:#(1.5 GPM (5.7 Lmin) ),Cold and Hot Switch:Yes,Valve Type:Ceramic Valve,To provide you with the best shopping opportunities, good quality and best priceFeatured with durable ceramic valves ensuring there are no water leaks.