Zen Fish Charm Cat Harness Leash Set (Green) :YS0000047439318963:タクトショップ
Zen Fish Charm Cat Harness Leash Set (Green) :YS0000047439318963:タクトショップ
Convenient integrated harness and leash type. There's no doubt your cat while be active when outsideThe leash can be finely adjusted to perfectly fit any physique. Can be safely used with active cats.Comes with a ribbon and your cat's favorite fish on wave-patterned fabric looking adorable while not disturbing your cat while on the move.Length and size can be adjusted. Ensure proper measurements are taken prior to purchase. Neck circumference 10.6-13 inches Chest circumference 12.6-17.7 inches T 商品説明 ◆輸入商品は受注後に海外の倉庫より取り寄せ、国内で検品後、お客様へ発送となります。そのため、納期は約2〜3週間のお時間をいただいております。 商品名 Zen Fish Charm Cat Harness Leash Set (Green) ブランド名
商品コメント Convenient integrated harness and leash type. There's no doubt your cat while be active when outside The leash can be finely adjusted to perfectly fit any physique. Can be safely used with active cats. Comes with a ribbon and your cat's favorite fish on wave-patterned fabric, looking adorable while not disturbing your cat while on the move. Length and size can be adjusted. Ensure proper measurements are taken prior to purchase. Neck circumference: 10.6-13 inches Chest circumference: 12.6-17.7 inches Total length: 47.2 inches Choose from green, blue and red. Choose a color that complements your cat's coat 製品自体、未使用品になりますが、輸入商品の場合、アメリカからの輸送中に外箱にダメージがある場合がございます。商品自体のご使用には問題ございません。また、輸入関税のご請求はございませんので、ご安心ください。
Convenient integrated harness and leash type. There's no doubt your cat while be active when outsideThe leash can be finely adjusted to perfectly fit any physique. Can be safely used with active cats.Comes with a ribbon and your cat's favorite fish on wave-patterned fabric looking adorable while not disturbing your cat while on the move.Length and size can be adjusted. Ensure proper measurements are taken prior to purchase. Neck circumference 10.6-13 inches Chest circumference 12.6-17.7 inches T
Zen Fish Charm Cat Harness Leash Set (Green)
Convenient integrated harness and leash type. There's no doubt your cat while be active when outside
The leash can be finely adjusted to perfectly fit any physique. Can be safely used with active cats.
Comes with a ribbon and your cat's favorite fish on wave-patterned fabric, looking adorable while not disturbing your cat while on the move.
Length and size can be adjusted. Ensure proper measurements are taken prior to purchase. Neck circumference: 10.6-13 inches Chest circumference: 12.6-17.7 inches Total length: 47.2 inches
Choose from green, blue and red. Choose a color that complements your cat's coat