NEXXT FN43642 0 Ellington Series Contemporary Wine Bottle And Wine Glass Rack, 23.75 x 10 x 4 In. Black :B00CKMJL2E:B ICストア
NEXXT FN43642 0 Ellington Series Contemporary Wine Bottle And Wine Glass Rack, 23.75 x 10 x 4 In. Black :B00CKMJL2E:B ICストア
全国送料無料!海外倉庫から国内へお取り寄せの為、お届けまで1~3週間程度お時間を頂いております。税関手続き、関税手続きは全て当方で対応致します。税関審査の際に開封による外箱の損傷の可能性が稀にございますが、国内到着後に一度、検品をして発送させて頂きますのでご安心くださいませ^^もしご不明点等ございましたら、「この商品についてお問い合わせ」からお気軽にご質問くださいませ^^宜しくお願いいたします。(電波法上の技術基準に適合する必要がある無線機器をご購入ご検討の方へ→商品は並行輸入品でございますので、電波法上の技術基準に適合しない場合がございます。日本国内で、ご使用する場合、電波法に違反するおそれがございますのでご購入やご使用には十分にご注意くださいませ。) 商品説明 PRODUCT DIMENSIONS - 24"W x 10"D X 4"H This shelf is the perfect accessory for your bottles and wine glasses! STORES 12 WINE GLASSES ? No more searching for your glasses; they are easy to reach as you head into the kitchen or to the dining room Use the top shelf to store your wines HOLDS A MAXIMUM 15 LBS ? The Ellington shelf holds up to 15 pounds Feel confident placing bottles on the top of your wine shelf! READY TO HANG ? With secure mounting hardware included, this shelf can be assembled with ease The shelf even features a concealed support in the rear The hardware will help you have your shelf up in no time SOLID MDF CONSTRUCTION ? Premium, sturdy medium-density fibreboard provides stability Rely on this shelf to keep your items safe and sound, with a visually appealing finish カテゴリー: ワインラック メーカー: ブランド: NEXXT 高さ: 62.7 センチ 幅: 27.2 センチ 奥行: 10.7 センチ 重量: 3.1 Kg
PRODUCT DIMENSIONS - 24"W x 10"D X 4"H This shelf is the perfect accessory for your bottles and wine glasses!
STORES 12 WINE GLASSES ? No more searching for your glasses; they are easy to reach as you head into the kitchen or to the dining room Use the top shelf to store your wines
HOLDS A MAXIMUM 15 LBS ? The Ellington shelf holds up to 15 pounds Feel confident placing bottles on the top of your wine shelf!
READY TO HANG ? With secure mounting hardware included, this shelf can be assembled with ease The shelf even features a concealed support in the rear The hardware will help you have your shelf up in no time
SOLID MDF CONSTRUCTION ? Premium, sturdy medium-density fibreboard provides stability Rely on this shelf to keep your items safe and sound, with a visually appealing finish
カテゴリー: ワインラック
ブランド: NEXXT
高さ: 62.7 センチ
幅: 27.2 センチ
奥行: 10.7 センチ
重量: 3.1 Kg